Audition for Coronado Recreation’s Heart2Art Dance

Coronado Recreation and Golf Services Heart2Art Dance (H2A) Program is hosting auditions for their award-recognized competitive dance teams. Dancers ages five to seventeen are invited to come out and show what they can do on Tuesday, August 17, at the Coronado Community Center. This is your child’s chance to become involved with a group of dedicated dancers who love to expressive themselves through this art form. H2A is hip-hop focused yet it touches on a variety of technicalities, such as jazz, lyrical and contemporary dance styles.

The H2A program is looking for individuals who are interested in increasing their proficiency in dance. Throughout the 2021/22 school year, H2A Dance team members will perform at local events and compete in southern California Competitions. H2A Dance Teams are known for their precision and style for which they have won “Stand Out,” “Platinum,” “Performance,” “Squad Goal,” and “Entertainment” awards.

Each H2A instructor has a lifetime of dance experience that serves as an inspiration in choreographing and coaching each of their team’s performance pieces. Rehearsals vary from once a week (one-and-one-half hours total) for the Minis, ages 5-8; once a week (two hours total) for the Juniors, ages 9-11;  and twice a week (two-and-one-half hours total) for the Teens ages 12-15 and Seniors, ages 15-18.

Interested in joining H2A? Register for the Tuesday, August 17th audition today. This audition on August 17 is a great opportunity for your child to be part of something they can be proud of. To register for the auditions online, go to

Not ready for a team?  Beginner dancers should check out the Hip Hop, Jazz, Break, Shake and Groove and Twirl Spin and Jump classes also offered at the Community Center this fall. For more information on any of the H2A dance programs contact Coronado Recreation and Golf Services at 619-522-7342.

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